Reaching Out & Reaching In
In a world where people are looking for answers, change is constant, and the needs of ministry feel unending, ministry leaders need time to recharge. As an experienced leader and fiery preacher, Evangelist T. Nicole Allen has willingly accepted the Lord's call to help leaders increase their ability to reach out by reaching in to be cultivated and refreshed.
Strategies for Shifting to Next Level Influence and Income
What if I told you that you can there was an easier way to execute your vision? Through biblically sound teaching, character strengthening, and vision mapping system you can.
The PIVOT system is a Holy Spirit inspired formula to help you strengthen your kingdom influence, expand your reach and increase your income.
The Servant Leader's Devotional
21 Days of Reviving Your Spirit & Leadership
by T. Nicole Allen
Like many others, Servant-Leaders can get tired and burned out. The Servant-Leader's Devotional: 21 Days of Reviving Your Spirit and Your Leadership is a simple and powerful devotional book written just for you. Readers of this devotional will be encouraged, uplifted, and revived to better serve in ministry and in their personal lives.